Thursday, March 5, 2009


Directions: Hit shuffle on your itunes 10 times, write down the songs, artists, and one thought you have about the song. (I also featured a few links so you can actually listen to their music!)

Architecture in Helsinki/
One Heavy February - Joe put this on an extensive mix he made for me. I think he put it on because he knew my birthday is in February. Cutie.

Ray LaMontagne/Trouble - Moorea gave me this song on a mix she made for me. The guy has real good pipes.

Jason Mraz/Clockwatching - This song reminds me of the summer my family and I went to Santa Cruz on a road trip. I listened to it a lot.

Joni Mitchell/The Arrangement - This song is very dark; the slow piano sets the mood. Not my favorite Joni song, but still good.

Andy Davis/Brown Eyes - Such a sweet song. About being infatuated at first sight. Reminds me of my room-mate Stacey when we were first becoming friends.

A Little Mermaid soundtrack/Kiss the Girl - Such romantic tension in this song. Just F*CKING kiss the girl, already!!!

Ingrid Michaelson/Be OK - I wish I could be Ingrid. And sing sweet songs like this for a living.

Britney Spears/Circus - Yah, man. I have this song. It's awesome. I wish I could be Britney. And dance like a pro. And wear cool ring leader outfits like in this music video.

Kate Nash/Merry Happy - Good break up song. Although, I hope it never applies to my life. Break ups suuuuuuuuck.

Elvis Costello/Alison - I know this song by heart. Question: What "little friend" of his took off Alison's party dress? I've always wanted to know the story behind that line.


Stacey said...

Your post reawakened my deep love for Andy Davis. Listen to "It just happened that way" and apply it to my life experience right now... it made me smile :)

Moorea Seal said...

love this post. RAY!!!! god that song kills me every time.

obsessed with moss said...

I think I watched an interview with Elvis once where he talked about Allison. I think he was watching a girl clerk at a grocery store and he wrote the song about her, sort of imagining a story about her life. I could be mistaken though, maybe it has some deep personal significance.