Thursday, November 3, 2011

Favorite Site Highlight: Daydream Lily

As you may know, I do posts every now and then called "I Love Your Blog." Or "site." Basically the whole idea behind that is to share places that I enjoy perusing on the Internet with you. Share the wealth, right? I also have a page called "Favorite Sites" which houses tons of fun websites I like. So I thought I'd mash these two concepts together and do a new post series called "Favorite Site Highlight."

First up is Daydream Lily. It's run by Liss, who lives in Australia (there are so many awesome Australian bloggers!). She blogs about interesting photography, art, fashion, decor, and handmade goods.
That's her below in the red!

1 comment :

Erin said...

I would kill for that cloud ensemble.