Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Life as a nanny is going well, although I've had to change plans around a bit, and I'll probably need to get a THIRD part-time position to supplement. But that's ok. Currently, I'm working with a five month  old boy named Owen who is very sweet (and a humungous Golden Retriever named Jake who seems to need as much attention as the infant); and two grade-school sisters named Charlotte and Ella. I really enjoy them because they're basically self-sufficient, fun to talk to, and seem to like me a lot! 

At home, I'm cooking a lot more, trying not to be wasteful with food. Zucchini bread, zucchini fries, roasted leeks, etc. (see more in my previous post).

Spring is here. In the mornings, Slugs, Dotty, and I chill out in the bedroom with the windows open for maximum sunbathing -- those two LOVE sunshine.

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