Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Lost Art of Lunching

My bloggy-friend, LaLaLa, introduced me to my new favorite foodie blog, Lunch with Front Studio, which documents the lunchtime adventures of a group of architects in NYC.

I've never seen an egg salad sandwich look this tasty!

An apricot danish... AKA one of my favorite foods in the WORLD!

Is this from that secret sandwich shop on 30 Rock??

The Lost Art of Lunching
"We make a concerted effort each day to get up from our desks, detach ourselves from our computers and leave the office for lunch."

Yes! I can so get behind this idea.

That said, I'm gonna go buy me a Subway sandwich.

LUNCH: fail.


Lovely White Things said...

Holy Cow!! Wanna go to NYC for a week?

Allie said...

I'm going in the fall! With my mom! Wanna come?

Lovely White Things said...

Don't joke around about this. Of course! I was going to visit Jina in March, but she's coming back too soon. But I don't want to crash a mother-daughter trip...we'll chat later.

Best panini press said...

commercial panini press
Commercial sandwich grill
Waring commercial panini press