Wednesday, January 30, 2013

List Your Current & Future Goals/Dreams

1. Create lots and lots of art forever and ever
2. Get married to the one I love
3. Have a few bebes with the one I love
4. Figure out my dream career is and GET IT
5. Do a perfect crow pose in yoga (I'm so close!)
6. Get a tattoo
7. Go hang gliding
8. Host a Thanksgiving dinner
9. Live for a few months without technology
10. Pay off all of my college loans
11. Write a screenplay or just a play
12. Travel to: Morocco (with Moorea), England, Bali, India, Egypt, Costa Rica, Nepal, Amsterdam...
13. See Saturday Night Live LIVE
14. Go abroad with my mom
15. Live in Bali for awhile, maybe have a bebe there
16. Move back to California for awhile (gasp! it's true)
17. Own a few animals (ducks, bunnies, chickens, etc.)
18. Write/illustrate a children's book
19. Collect lots of books, jewelry, oddities for my future grandchildren to keep themselves occupied with
20. Keep practicing yoga for my health and wellness
21. Visit Kensington Gardens in homage of Peter Pan
22. Age gracefully
23. Ride atop an elephant in a jungle
24. Be fearless, be spontaneous, be open, be curious forever!

Thanks, Moorea


Bridget said...


Moorea Seal said...

DUDE. let's freakin go to morocco next year or the year after for REALS.
xo Moorea