Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Recently Made in April

Fettuccine with Mushrooms and Thyme
Delicious. What's a better combination than mushrooms and bacon? Plus the thyme gives the dish a wonderful earthy quality.

I served this with some salmon one night. I didn't have any almond milk, but it is quite important for thinning out the peanut butter so it actually coats the slaw. I think I just used a bit of water or something. I love the combination of salty peanut butter, spice, and soy.

Pappardelle with Caramelized Onions and Parmesan
Oh my gosh, another killer pasta recipe. The most time-consuming part of this recipe is caramelizing the onions. This dish also has thyme in it; I had some fresh, and I didn't want to waste it. 

Seems like a duh-doy recipe to include, but I've discovered that brown rice is finicky and not cooked the same way as white rice! So there you have it.

Pasta with Fresh Tomato Sauce
Pretty basic, but I often have tomatoes and basil on hand these days, so it's a nice stand-by recipe.

Almond and Pear Clafoutis 
This was my first Manger recipe I've tried, and it did not disappoint. Mimi's recipes always look gorgeous but complicated... This was not complicated though! No obscure ingredients, no fancy kitchen gadgets needed. This is a repeat in my book.

Easiest Spaghetti and Meatballs
More, pasta, I know! Can I tell you I haven't always liked meatballs? They also seem really time-consuming to make. The "easiest" in the title of this recipe attracted me, I suppose. Thanks, Martha! This will, for now on, be my go-to recipe for meatballs. Easy and delicious. I made the sauce with Marcella Hazan's basic recipe.

Roast Potatoes with Lemon, Rosemary, and Thyme
Basically, this recipe is just one big dish of roasted heaven. So you should probably make it. 

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