Friday, June 17, 2011

Geeky Musical Theater Post

This is an amazing example of musical theater and choreography. Probably my favorite musical theater number of all time. Of ALL TIME, y'all! Choreographed by Jerome Robbins. Tiger Lily played by Sondra Lee. How cute is she?!

Oh an P.S.: I hope you're not offended by the politically incorrect Native Americanisms. Different time, you guys. Different time.

1 comment :

Moorea Seal said...

I wanted to BE her growing up. OMG.

First I wanted to be Janice from the Muppets Band. Long blond hair #1.
Then I wanted to be tiger lily from this specific play/movie. long blond hair #2.
Then I wanted to be Joni Mitchell. long blond hair #3.

HA. ANd then my super senior year of college I realized, the hairstyle just doesn't suit me. wa wa wa.
xo Moorea